more than just television
TV, streaming, gaming, living
full service
you buy, we install


Your specialist for entertainment electronics

What we do

Wie sie uns erreichen

Consumer electronics

We sell entertainment electronics of all kinds. For example digital receivers, CI modules, satellite dishes and much more. Since we have positioned ourselves as a wholesaler in recent years, we only sell to business customers.


Together with GLS, DHL and large shipping companies, we are able to deliver the goods quickly and cheaply to our customers across Europe.

Repair service

If your goods are damaged, we are of course there for you. Simply contact us at the following e-mail address with a detailed description of the error:

by phone

You can reach us by phone at the following number: 0231 720959-10

by mail

Can't reach us or would you like to contact us outside of our opening hours? Then use our new contact form! We will answer you as soon as possible.